We went to Target to get a TV Converter Box. As I've been hearing, our old Tube TV won't be able to receive a digital signal in mid February, as we don't have cable TV. I had finally found the $40 off coupon that I ordered from the government a long while back. I wasn't planning to use it until a few weeks before the switchover anyway, so I wasn't too concerned.
However, when we got there, I realized I left the coupon at home. So we went all the way back home, I grabbed the coupon & headed back on my own. Once I got the the cashier, she scanned my card, and then told me that it had expired. In October of last year. I asked if the manager could come by & approve it. She looked at it, came up with a canned & very dry apology saying she could not.
When I read the paperwork of the coupon, it said that it is only valid for 90 days. My bad.
So, I drove home with no converter box, and then applied for a new coupon. And as I had feared, the government has run out of funding for the coupons. So much for me getting my coupon early to avoid the rush!
Anyway, if you haven't gotten your $40 off coupon, you can sign up on the waiting list here: TV Converter Box Program
If nothing else, the government employee who designed the website and did all the graphic design on the coupon itself did a very nice job.