As we were still short on graves, I made some iron crosses to practice my welds. Best weld is pictured below. If I didn't botch the end with the extra MIG wire it would have been darn near perfect.

I then hid some LED lights behind bricks & aimed them at the crosses.
Alyssa had just bought an LED candle holder, which I placed in front of her creepy painting. The height was perfect for the lamp!
We closed the curtains, and back lit them with 25 watt florescent lights that I put in the flood lamps I usually use to take Art From Scratch pictures with. I covered them with red gel filters.
At night, it actually looked somewhat impressive! The way the colors came out on this photo remind me of Tim Burton's style :)
Yes, I did some Photoshop work, but not too much. I used a tripod & shot 3 images at different exposure settings, then blended them together for the best lighting. Otherwise, the door & windows would have been blown out. I also gave it a slight vignette at the edges to highlight the center more. Click on all images for enlargements!